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Redesign your Life with Teri. 

Personal & Professional Coaching with Teri Murray


Sometimes we just "get stuck" and don't even know what is holding us back. That's what i'm here for.


Whether it's your health, wellness, career, relationships or personal finance, we will work together on a plan to help you get "UN stuck" and find that next level of greatness. 

Meet Teri

Certified Health & Wellness Coach

Sales Leader & Development Coach 
Master Certified Professional Life Coach

Yoga & Fitness

Personal Finance-MBA

I started a daily walk back in July 2020 after being in lockdown for a few months in Covid and going through a recent breakup. It changed my life. 


After several months of a daily walk, I lost close to 10lbs, was thinner than I had been in a decade, my energy was through the roof, my stress was reduced, my anxiety gone, and my diet improved because I craved healthier foods! 


On Nov 29, 2020, I decided I would commit to my 5 mile walk every single day without missing a day. So from that day on, I have not missed a day. That's over 3.5 years!!


This has not been easy, but any means. I've made a lot of sacrifices to make this work, and that level of commitment and dedication, is what has been life changing in every way. The inspiration I've seen in others, has been the best part of it all. 


I have proven, that there is no excuse for why we can't carve out 30 min of a day (I walk for at least 75 min) for OURSELVES. Boundaries are so healthy. We need to recharge our battery if we are going to be able to be our best selves for those we love. 


Let me help you take your power back and find that best version of you that you will be so proud of! 

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I Can Help You With...

Redesign your Lifestyle

Adopt Healthy Eating Habits

Change your relationship with money

Goal Setting

Accountability & Positive Encouragement

Running Shoes

The Journey Towards Health and Happiness begins with that first step. Small changes, consistently over time, bring Life changing results.


Begin Your Journey with me Today.

"Teri inspired me to incorporate a daily walk into my life and the results have been incredible. I used to have little energy and need a nap everyday. Since incorporating a daily 45 min walk, I have so much energy, my stress is down, and I never nap anymore!"

- Kelly, Kansas City

"I was literally scared to workout because of a health condition. Teri inspired me to just go for a walk. That simple first step was exactly what I needed. Now I walk 20 min every day and have lost 8 pounds."

- Melissa, NYC

"I've always been a fitness fanatic. But back injuries have made it difficult to workout like I used to. Teri inspired me to start walking long distances everyday and though it doesn't replace those workouts, it has definitely helped me."

- Shawnte, Los Angeles

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